Business Licensing - Monexperts
Why Do You Need a Business License in Montenegro?

Companies that are newly established in Montenegro and operate in a manner that requires certain special circumstances must have a license to do business, and it is important that you apply by industry and obtain it before launching your business.

What is a Business License/License?

A business license is a ‘can do this specific business’ certificate issued by the Montenegrin state authorities, which confirms that a ‘business is safe’ for the public. What type of licenses you need exactly depends on the type of business you want to operate and where you operate.

Unfortunately, there is no universal documentation validity for all required licenses, depending on the nature of your business and your jurisdiction. Therefore, even if you are currently doing your job with a business license in your own country, you will need to re-obtain the business license when you do the same job in Montenegro.

Who Needs a Business License?

Some businesses don’t require a business license. For example, if you’re going to sell T-shirts, you don’t need a license. But if you want to open a restaurant, you must follow food safety regulations and open your kitchen to a health inspector. The reason here is clear; A defective T-shirt sold is a much smaller problem than food poisoning in the restaurant. This explains why you need a license if you’re starting a restaurant business. For this reason, businesses such as barbershops, construction companies, beauty or tattoo saloons that make business plans in Montenegro have special licensing requirements.

Why Do I Need a Business License?

Licenses help ensure that businesses are safe for the public. Restaurants should be clean. Lawyers and doctors should be professional and openly accountable when necessary. New drugs to be released should be safe and effective.

Sometimes you can understand that a restaurant is not clean enough. Dishes can be dirty or staff can be careless. You can’t be sure of its safety without entering the kitchen and checking hygiene. When you set up a business in Montenegro, control personnel (Nadzor) will visit your business premises, checking that your company’s final products and services are secure.

How do I get a business license?

Obtaining the right business license requires a certain experience and knowledge of the existing laws well. A correct and timely business license allows you to continue your trade in Montenegro without serious penalties. Montenegro Experts team can help you determine the licenses you need in Montenegro.
In general, the more specific your business is, the more technical knowledge it requires, the larger the government agencies you need to work with. For example, when you open a barber shop in Montenegro, obtaining a license will require less effort than setting up a pharmaceutical factory.